Call for Tenders – Lot 3

The Request to Participate is CLOSED

Deadline to submit an application: 8-9-2023 , 14:00 CET

You can find the Call for Tenders Lot 3 here.
You can find the ESPD here.
You can find guidance for eSubmission here.

This Call for Tender concerns the re-tender of Lot 3 Detection on the body. The previous tendering procedure has not led to an award due to the fact that none of the 2 suppliers that submitted eligible tenders has reached the minimum threshold of 60% of the total amount of points for award criterion Quality.


This DrugDetect Call for Tenders invites all interested parties to present their offers for an innovative solution for the automatic detection of a large range of drugs in correctional institutions and prisons, that is available 24/7, does not cause delays in internal processes, does not require minimal) human intervention, and is GDPR compliant.

Procurement procedure: open call

Considering that a competitive dialogue process has been completed and no contract award for Lot 3 has been decided, the current procedure used is an open tendering procedure and participation is on equal terms to all types of operators, according to Article 27 of Law 4412/2016.

The tendering package will be uploaded by the Lead Procurer in the Greek National System of Electronic Public Procurement (ESIDIS).

The tenderers should submit their tenders via the ESIDIS platform.

Questions & Additional Information
Q: Could you kindly provide the access limitations to the prison where the test will occur in October, especially width and height limitations, floor level, elevator etc. A: The testroom is on the 3rd floor.  A few doors need to be passed to reach the lift and then a few doors to arrive in the testroom. The size of the doors is:
Width 85cm
Height 229cm
The lift’s size is:
Width 88cm
Depth 210cm
Height 229cm
Max weight 1000kg
 Q: Could you clarify in the technical offer template for the General Description if the maximum allowed page number is 5 or 15? A: The maximum allowed page number is 5. Q: For the financial offer, can you confirm that we only need to give the price for a single system including all installation, maintenance, disposable and future upgrade? A: As stated in the Call and in the financial offer template, the total price for all the devices that will be delivered (including transportation, import, training installation costs, preventive and corrective maintenance etc. during warranty period) should be given, also mentioning how many devices will be offered within the total price.

Make sure to follow the project’s social media pages for any updates:

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