
Synergy with MELCHIOR Project

ℹ MELCHIOR is an EU funded Innovation Action project which aims to improve, mature and demonstrate the novel infrasound interrogation Z-MESMERISE technology in operational environments including border controls in airports and sea-ports and land borders as well as other environments where the technology would be quite useful like crowded events and prisons.

In a nutshell, MELCHIOR aims to improve substantially a novel technology for fast detection of drugs, explosives, weapons and illicit goods concealed on individuals and in critical cavities of the human body based on infrasound mechanical impedance interrogation, optionally complemented with other harmless and non-contact technologies.
This project aims to drastically increase the safety of the border staff having to touch inspected individuals. Thus, travelers’ experience will improve greatly. Since no contact is needed, individuals do not have to undress and therefore their privacy is respected.

Learn more about MELCHIOR Project here


Synergy with ODYSSEUS Project

ℹ ODYSSEUS aims to increase the knowledge on a continuously revised list of explosives and explosive precursors, including precursors not previously studied, and also develop effective and efficient prognostic, detection, and forensic tools and solutions to improve the capabilities of LEAs and Competent Authorities towards the prevention, countering, and investigation of terrorist incidents involving HMEs.

Therefore, ODYSSEUS will achieve innovation in multiple dimensions and examine in a novel manner the interplay among several factors affecting the intelligence, detection, and forensic aspects associated with explosive precursors, including aspects not previously considered (such as the chemical supply chains).

Learn more about ODYSSEUS project here

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