an Innovation Procurement European project for Drug Detection in correctional institutions and prisons.

The project is co-funded by the COSME program of the European Union and kicked off on January 2022 with 36 months duration. The DrugDetect consortium consists of 4 partners from academia, industry, and public bodies. The DrugDetect project aims to procure an innovative solution for the automatic detection of a large range of drugs in correctional institutions and prisons, that is available 24/7, does not cause delays in internal processes, does not require minimal human intervention, and is GDPR compliant.


DrugDetect aims to contribute to the development of innovative solutions for drug detection, through a cooperative public procurement.

The Project encourages other public buyers to make use of public procurement of innovative solutions:

Wide Coverage

Wide Coverage

DrugDetect addresses a need that is widely shared by prisons throughout the world as well as by other authorities (border police, airports etc.).

Public Procurement

Public Procurement

The project promotes the use of public procurement for the development of innovative solutions.

Solution Promotion

Solution Promotion

The project has the right ingredients to effectively promote the use of public procurement to contribute to the development of innovative solutions able to tackle public needs.


Address the Common Need in a joint manner


Develop common requirements & technical specifications of the solutions


Exchange lessons learnt during validation in the operational environments

Conduct a successful procurement procedure


Attract the interest of market parties (focusing on SMEs) for the OMC & the tender

Create awareness about the project outcomes


Build an innovation community to increase replicability of the developed solutions


Define a structured path for the exploitation of solution


Inform a wide audience of the outcomes of the project

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