DRUG DETECT – Open Market Consultation

About the Open Market Consultation

We are pleased to invite you to the upcoming physical and virtual event organized by the DrugDetect consortium, which will take place on July 7th, 2022, and on 12-15 July 2022 at Brussels, Belgium.

What is DrugDetect?

The DrugDetect is an innovation procurement European project for drug detection in correctional institutions and prisons.

The project is co-funded by the COSME programme of the European Union and kicked off in January 2022 with 36 months duration. The major project’s aim is to procure an innovative solution for the automatic detection of a large range of drugs in correctional institutions and prisons, that is available 24/7does not cause delays in internal processesdoes not require minimal human intervention, and is GDPR compliant.

DrugDetect is addressing a need that is widely shared by prisons throughout Europe and in this context the project has gathered a representative, geographically balanced consortium of 4 public buyers (KEMEA, DJI, DG-EPI, ESMIR) from 4 European countries (Greece, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain) with together an average inmates population of 40.000.

Why attend the DrugDetect Open Market Consultation?

This event aims to bring together all interested organizations, buyers as well as suppliers, from various European countries, giving them the opportunity to discuss new technologies, innovative solutions and find qualified European suppliers during plenary sessions and one-to one meetings.

During this event DrugDetect Consortium will be discussed the legislation which creats opportunities and restrictions in various countries, the use cases of the desired equipment, the procurement process, the capabilities of companies to deliver and innovative features of the detection solutions.

We are not just looking for your participation, but we also strongly invite you to become a part of this process as one of the main drivers for this crucial foundation step. The innovation potential identification, through an interactive process, will be a primary objective that will pave the way to establishing the new requirements, forming the specifications, and eventually resulting in a highly competitive Call for Tenders


It will be our great honor to have you as our guests and we hope you accept the invitation to attend this important event.

You are more than welcome to forward this announcement to any interested parties.

For more information about registration, the agenda, and the day schedule please follow: https://ddc2022.b2match.io/home and the project’s social media pages for any updates:

In case you are looking for partnerships or have any further queries do not hesitate to contact us at: drugdetect_procurement@kemea-research.gr

Thank you for considering our invitation and we are looking forward to seeing you in our Open Market Consultation.

Kindest Regards,

The DrugDetect Consortium


You can read the Prior Information Notice (PIN) of the Open Market Consultation here.

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